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Organic vs. Paid: Why You’re Probably Doing Both Wrong

Brands often get this equation wrong. They either pour resources into organic content no one sees or spend on media to promote content no one cares about. The real trick is balancing these two forces.

Organic vs. Paid: Why You’re Probably Doing Both Wrong

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Organic content is the foundation. If it’s bad, no amount of media will fix it. But if it’s good and no one sees it, it’s like whispering in an empty room. Brands fall into two traps: either believing organic alone is enough or assuming media can force attention onto something unworthy of it. Neither works.

The best approach is iterative. First, test content in organic environments. If it sparks engagement, amplify it with media. If it doesn’t, tweak it or move on. Brands should think like investors: put small bets on many ideas, double down on what works, and cut losses quickly.

Most waste happens when brands assume they know what people will like instead of finding out. The right balance isn’t a static number; it’s a process. Test, learn, scale. Attention isn’t bought or given—it’s earned.

Organic vs. Paid: Why You’re Probably Doing Both Wrong

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